
April 1-2, 2017

Photo Credits : Mont Sutton

Wow, it's already April. Seems like yesterday it was November and we were gearing up for the season's beginning. Winter has officially been over for more than a week, but don't be fooled: the past few weeks have been great for skiing, and there are still some good days ahead. As I write this, it's snowing with moderate intensity outside, enough to cover the streets. An early April Fool's joke, maybe? Either way, the season is not quite over.

Tomorrow's ski conditions, depending on tonight's temperature and snowfall, might be powdery. As temperatures rise above zero, however, things will get sticky and wet. If you're planning an outing, make sure to bring a different jacket for the ride home, in case your regular one is soaked through. For those who prefer more "traditional" spring skiing days (who doesn't), Sunday looks to be a better choice. Temperatures will rise well above freezing, with plenty of sunshine. Coverage is still complete on man-made snow trails, and even on natural trails and glades there should still be plenty of snow, depending on orientation and location. In fact, many ski hills like Mont Sutton, Mont Blanc, and Sommet Saint-Sauveur are operating with most or all of their terrain open.

As spring comes to ski hills, so does the party atmosphere and many exciting events. This Saturday at Tremblant is the pond crossing, and as always in spring, there is live music and entertainment. In the Eastern Townships, Mont Sutton is also hosting their annual pond crossing tomorrow, with a barbeque, door prizes, animation, and a beach party at the bar. Similarly, officials at Mont Garceau are holding their annual spring race, which is open to all and has many prizes to win. At Ski Edelweiss, there is also a pond crossing, and a retro day where you can see all your favorite neon one-piece snowsuits, wool hats, and rainbow-reflective sunglasses make a reappearance on the slopes.

While nice weather and a festive spring ambience are good news, there is also sad news once we reach April: the closing of hills. This Sunday, April 2, is the last day for many ski resorts such as Sommet Olympia, Morin Heights, Gabriel, and Edelweiss, Mont Blanc, Mont Grand Fonds, and probably others. Here in Quebec, there is usually enough snow for ski hills to stay open until late April, but the same thing happens every year. As soon as the snow melts in the city, people assume that ski season is over and head on to other activities. As a result, ski hills don't have enough customers to justify opening, and end their season early! Ski season is in fact still alive and well, so be sure to head out! If you check the weather and choose your day wisely, it will definitely be one of the nicest ski days of the year! For more information, don't forget to check our most recently published article, which provides great tips for spring skiing!